Keep that comfort zone aside……

“Are we robots? I’m pretty much sure we ain’t one!”

We’re definitely not robots then why do we just unknowingly become one? We create our own masterpieces our lives, everyone wants the best masterpiece, nobody wants repetitive or anything ordinary something superficial and extra ordinary is something what we devise and desire.

But can we create one by just being in our own bubble and not stepping out of that comfort zone? If you expect for something extra ordinary or superficial you should be also doing something remarkable and you can only do that by just stepping out of that comfort zone. Step out of that comfort zone because something out of the box will only happen if you dare to kick that comfort zone off.

Trying something new never harmed anyone I guess…!

New experiences help one to grow and evolve so much. And the only way to know one’s limit is by trying new stuff. Because you never know, you can go paragliding, snorkeling or some other fun stuff unless and until you try. The possibilities are limit less the only matter of fact is that if you try. Many a times one himself/herself doesn’t know what things he can do because there is always a insecurity surrounding us that we won’t be able to do that or what would people probably say? But I say,”just give it a shot” you never what future holds in store for you! 🙂 And trust me when I say this you’ll probably never regret stepping out of your comfort zone 😉

Talking about me I’m an introvert, talk about those scary rides I would always be miles away from them. But this time I went with my friends to this amusement park and did all the amazing rides including all the terrific ones. Honestly I thought I would just never do them but I did them and stepped out of my comfort zone and after doing all the rides that was the best feeling ever!

All I would conclude by saying that kicking that comfort zone off will only give you new experiences maybe positive or negative but no matter what there is something to learn from everything!

~mostly writer

First Blog 

Writing blog is something I have been always wanted to do. Today writing this this blog fear and confusion run across my mind. But I firmly believe that whatsoever we should always do what we love and the things that feel right to us. The key is we should first belive in ourself and most importantly be your own self !

              “So find you in yourself”